










This complimentary online training series is for a heart-centered individual who loves getting your sustainable desired weight and wants to attain it…but hates the “diet plans and counting calories part.”


BRAND NEW Online Training

“5 Secrets to Attaining Sustainable Weight”


You’ve come to the right place if…


Your biggest obstacle was a lack of motivation and dedication. Too lazy to exercise.


You are disappointed about your weight gain and the huge appetite that is so hard to curb. Still battling your diet obstacle? In addition to always feeling hungry, you crave junk food such as chips and curls.


You’re just so sick of looking in the mirror and not liking what you see and tired of it.


You’re sick and tired of people telling you “Wow.” You gain weight again. Why doesn’t everyone keep their mouth shut? When you first heard it, you were disappointed. Now you’re irritated. In fact, you’re STILL unable to lose weight despite all your best efforts to change that.


You’re frustrated that you haven’t seen any improvement in your body weight as you should. Because, despite your best efforts, you don’t seem to be gaining the weight you want. What you need to do is start saying YES to yourself that you really want to see your ideal weight.


You’ve put EVERYTHING down to “Food controls you,” and you sometimes use it to blanket your feelings. Your weight built up only after you became an emotional eater, an eating disorder. What seems like YEARS and you can’t figure out what to do to lose all those unnecessary weights.


You love it when you can make one simple step move that brings you amazing results…soon!


If this is you, get excited! Because your world is about to change.


I’ll show you the #1 way. It’s not okay with me for you to do anything but lose weight and stay healthy.


How do I know this? Because it worked for me. The simple and elegant moves I’m about to share with you have given me an advantage that has allowed me to achieve my desired weight, plus vital health.


And the ability to share this process to help people like me who are desperate to lose weight all over the world. Most importantly, I’m making the difference I’ve always dreamed of making.

And the most exciting part? I’ve taught my simple system in Europe and they too have completely transformed their weight, health, and lives.


What’s my secret?

WHY I CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT is, made so simple and easy… Without diet plans or counting calories before eating.


This 2-part training series includes:


My step-by-step, super easy-to-follow, WHY I CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT Blueprint — the perfect compliment to this training!


A free tele-training where I’ll show you how simple and easy it is to lose your desired weight. Plus you’ll also get my simple 5-step formula for WHY I CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT in any situation you’re in!


I can’t wait to show you how it works so you can design the lifestyle you’ve always wanted! All you need to do is watch the video below!



Kit teaches people who want to lose weight using, this “5 Step BODES your Weight Loss Process” to get their sustainable body weight.


After 10 years at an MNC company constructing cleanroom facilities for medical field companies and electronics parts manufacturing companies, she left and put her skills to the test as a life coach.


And in just a few years, Kit created a weight loss process. She is the undisputed expert on how to have a healthy weight!


