Here’s the Ugly Truth about Processed Foods

Those raised on such diets suffered from dental and health problems when they consumed processed foods devoid of nutritional value.

Processed foods and beverages are sizeable sources of added sugar (and HFCS) in the diet. Sugar is very unhealthy and can affect metabolism when consumed in excess.

The truth is, processed foods are so rewarding for our brains that they affect our thoughts and behavior. This makes us eat more and more until we become sick.

Junk foods can hijack the brain’s biochemistry, leading individuals to lose control over their consumption.

There is only one answer to calming inflammation and that is returning foods closer to their natural state. Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and lean protein.

When we switched back to the traditional whole foods diet, cavities stopped. Like the previous generations, the next generation was born with perfect teeth and significantly improved resistance.

When you eat processed foods such as sugar, which leeches calcium from the bones and teeth, and nutrients from the liver, you’re stripping away the nutrients needed. This is not giving your body what it needs to be healthy, feel great, and live a healthy, happy life for longer.

There are many natural and alternative methods that can be used to prevent and eliminate illness and degenerative conditions, including nutrition, herbs, exercise, deep breathing, meditation, and happiness.

More people suffer needlessly. While the people who run these organizations, such as pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and hospitals all get richer. The rest of us will continue to get poorer while paying for this method of finite, dangerous and deadly so-called “medicines” and procedures.

In some cases, synthetic vitamins and minerals are added to foods to compensate for loss during processing. However, synthetic nutrients CANNOT substitute nutrients found in whole foods closer to nature. The more you eat processed foods, the less you will get vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and various trace nutrients.

Eat real food! When we replace real foods like fish, meat, fruits, and vegetables with processed junk foods, we increase our risk of illness and poor health. Real food is the key to overall health. Processed food is not.

Do you need help defining a sure-fire way to live healthily and naturally that works for you? Check out this resource to find the solution now!

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Do you want to feel healthy all over? Watch what you eat! There are young people today that move like old people from eating too much junk food and not getting enough exercise.

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